Defying the odds with life-changing Labradors

October 24, 2018

Annette has been defying the odds with her life-changing Labradors for the past 23 years.  Her parents were told when she was a baby that she wouldn’t live past the age of five, then that she wouldn’t finish school, then that she’d not make her late 40s… She’s now… Read More

How can dogs help in the community?

October 23, 2018

One of the core services that Dogs for Good delivers is Community Dog, so how can dogs help in the community? And how does this service differs from our assistance dogs services, or from pet dogs involved in visiting programmes? Here’s ten key facts about the Dogs for Good… Read More

Preparing puppies to be life-changing assistance dogs

October 16, 2018

“I’d just love to socialise a puppy, but I don’t think I could say goodbye” is one of the most frequent things people say to our puppy socialisers.  So why do so many of our puppy socialisers look after not just one pup, but dozens? Volunteer Helen shares her experience… Read More

Halloween tips for dogs

October 12, 2018

Fright night can be a tricky time for puppies and dogs, so our resident experts have compiled some Halloween tips for dogs to help you minimise the scary for your hairy… It’s vitally important that our puppies and dogs feel happy and comfortable around different people whether they’re wearing… Read More

Caring for puppies – a rewarding way to volunteer

October 5, 2018

“Popping out to post a letter or get a pint of milk isn’t something we can do any more…well-trained, happy puppies are thoroughly irresistible to passers-by and it’s almost impossible to go anywhere quickly! We do make a lot of new friends though,” laughs Sue who, along with husband… Read More