Opening up the possibilities to thrive

Style Acre

Style Acre provides person-centred services for 288 adults with learning disabilities and autism across Oxfordshire. The Dogs for Good community dog team supports people there to build life-skills for themselves, helping them feel independent, confident and more connected to the world.

The community dog team works with Style Acre to support people with a diversity of needs.

Seeing how they react when they meet the Dogs for Good team is amazing. They all tend to immediately relax, and the smiles and laughter are never far behind.
— community dog practitioner
Through structured interactions with our dogs, the group becomes more involved in activities. This enables people to improve their confidence and social skills, making everyday interactions easier and more enjoyable.
As soon as the dogs appear, people tend to immediately relax. The smiles and laughter are never far behind. Everyday interactions become so much easier.
DfG practitioner
It’s been a wonderful partnership that has brought so much positivity to the people we work with. It’s wonderful to see how the dogs contribute to overcoming anxiety, as well as the resulting physical and mobility benefits.
We want to build on the work we’re doing at Style Acre, to open out the possibilities to more people, more regularly.. We’d especially like to help more people make the most of their community — for example, through group walks with our dogs and handlers.
— Selina, research & development manager at Dogs for Good
We can’t put a price on the power of dogs, but your support will enable more people, and their families, to make their lives possible.

Your support will enable more people to make life possible.