A life-changing bond with mental and physical health benefits

Neil & Sage

After an unexpected diagnosis of MS, Neil soon had to rely on a mobility scooter. He found himself embarrassed and demoralised, staying in the office at lunchtime and feeling ignored and avoided when he did encounter people in the street. In 2021 he was paired with Sage, his “four-legged life-changer”.

MORE VISIBLE: Sage’s presence has empowered Neil, increasing his confidence to get out and about and connect with others.

Right from the moment Sage wagged her way into my life, the walls that had been closing in started to recede. I could clearly see how she was going to open up my world again.

During the coronavirus pandemic, Neil had been told to stay at home because his immune system was severely compromised. Even so, with Sage, he felt positive and knew he had plenty to look forward to thanks to his closely bonded partnership.

I found myself on the high street that I’d not seen for two or three years. And because Sage is trotting along beside me, people actually see me and talk to me.

With Sage at his side, Neil no longer feels embarrassed on his scooter and every lunchtime, they go out together.

Right from the moment Sage wagged her way into my life, the walls that had been closing in started to recede.
We’re incredibly lucky to have Sage, who opened up the doors, even during lockdown. Apart from the physical assistance she offers, the effect on my mental health has been transformative. I’m able to enjoy life with my family again.
Dogs like Sage open doors, they connect people, they keep families together, they help make life possible in so many ways. Your support will enable more people to benefit from our dogs.

Your support will enable more people to make life possible.