Location:  Home based – within the southwest area, close to Bristol
Hours:  21 hours p/w, FTC for 12 months
Salary:  £31,500 FTE (£18,900 pro-rata – 21hrs/wk).
Closing Date:  Noon, 19 February 2025

As Dogs for Good moves towards establishing a community-led way of working by 2028, planning for the growth of our existing network of community-based services and volunteers is part of our new Hub Development programme.

We want our Service Delivery Hubs to be a place and space that:

  • Nurtures a person-centred Dogs for Good community and enables multi-service design and delivery in a locality that is informed by the needs of the community
  • Provide a focus for awareness raising, attract local funding and create partnerships with organisations that support and advocate for our core audience groups
  • Provide a friendly and supportive Dogs for Good go-to contact, space and voice in a locality for anyone who’s part of the Dogs for Good family already or could benefit from our support and services

We’re looking for a team member to help drive our Service Delivery Hub pilot project in the southwest area, close to Bristol, during 2025. Are you someone who enjoys a role that’s all about:

  • making impactful connections and partnerships with like-minded people and organisations
  • creating and nurturing a welcoming and supportive community for everyone connected to Dogs for Good in that locality – our staff, our dogs, our volunteers and the people we support (potential, new and existing)
  • being part of a pilot project team; objectively testing what works and what doesn’t, providing feedback and evidence on the best structures, tools and processes we want to keep and repeat
  • Getting stuck in and hands on – and enjoys looking at ‘the big picture’ and helping shape our future plans

……then we’d love to see an application from you.

Please click here to access the Community Engagement Officer (Hub Pilot) Job Information

Please click here to download a copy of the Community Engagement Officer (Hub Pilot) job description

If you would like to find out more about the role, please contact Jude Palmer, our Head of Hub Development,  via [email protected]

How To Apply
If you are interested in this role, please complete an Application Form and an Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form and send them both to Sarah Knight, Office Manager, Dogs for Good, The Frances Hay Centre, Blacklocks Hill, Banbury, Oxfordshire, OX17 2BS or via e-mail, [email protected]