Infographic explaining the Family Dog workshop process. Text can be found below.

About the Family Dog Service

Our Family Dog workshops provide parents of autistic children with the advice and long-term support needed for choosing and training a dog to benefit the whole family.

Our Workshops are ideal for families at every stage of dog ownership, such as if you:

  • Are considering and researching how a dog can support your autistic child, and family
  • Are preparing for bringing a dog home, and would like support in choosing, introducing, and training a dog
  • Already have a pet dog and would like inspiration, advice, and support in how your dog can help your child and family

We run a series of Virtual Workshops groups throughout the year. Find out what our workshops cover.

Having supported over 2000 families, our specialist advice and support has brought life-changing benefits. Research has shown that the families we work with have lowered parental stress, they go out more together, and autistic children have fewer meltdowns as a result of their pet dog.

Long-term support

Following attendance of the Virtual Workshops, ongoing support is available to families that qualify, including email and telephone support, online resources, and a private Facebook group.

What is the cost of the workshops? 

Our Virtual Workshops cost £60 total per ticket, which includes all pre-recorded content and resources on SharePoint, attendance at all ‘Workshop Lives’ on Teams and, upon completion and if you qualify, access to our specialist long-term aftercare support. Please contact us at [email protected] if you require financial assistance.

What attendees say about the workshops… 

“The virtual Family Dog workshops were great. It’s excellent value for money, the staff are kind and helpful and there was a friendly, open atmosphere for the participants. I felt free to ask questions and for more detail at any point. There is a good space between webinars so you have time to catch up on material and the staff offered one to one help between if it was needed. Highly recommend!’”

“I was actually blown away by this course. Not only were the instructors knowledge fantastic but also their care in wanting to know our individual set-ups and help with any current problems was exemplary. Feel privileged to have been able to access this course and the aftercare service.”

Book a Family Dog workshop

Our Virtual Workshops are now available to book.