Kat Horwood has been a trainer at Dogs for Good for three years. Prior to this, she ran her own dog walking and training businesses, working with lots of different breeds. So, it’s fair to say that this is one Kat who loves dogs.
What is it about dogs that she loves? “From a working point of view, I love training dogs to be the best they can be whether they’re working or relaxing with the family, problem-solving and finding out what makes them tick. Personally, I love my own dog because she’s my best friend and a lovely companion. Also, she can keep a secret and never tells on me!”
One of the future life changers that Kat has been training recently at Dogs for Good is handsome black Labrador, Beck. Kat says:
“I couldn’t be prouder of Beck – he’s just passed his 16-week walk! This means he’s ready to be matched to one of the clients on our waiting list.

“Very shortly after coming to us for the start of his training, the country went into lockdown. But, this time gave us the opportunity to get Beck nicely settled into his temporary boarder’s home and become part of their family life.
“He enjoyed long walks and plenty of snuggles in the evenings! The love that he received from his volunteer family gave him a wonderful foundation for when I was able to resume his training at the beginning of July.
“One of Beck’s loveliest character traits is that he always tries hard, which has meant that his taskwork is something he really enjoys doing for his handler.
“Beck has learned all the basic task work he’ll need for when he goes on to be matched; he retrieves dropped items and will also pull off items of clothing such as gloves, socks and my jacket, too. Sometimes, when he was feeling cheeky, he would try and keep hold of my sock but he then remembered there were treats to be had if he retrieved it back to me quickly, so he never kept hold of it for long!
“He’s learned how to pull open doors using a pull rope and also, how to ‘nose nudge’ access buttons that open automated doors. He’s also great at pushing down wheelchair footplates with his feet.
“Beck’s leadwork is really good and he’s an absolute joy on a free run. He is very responsive to his handler and quite often, we’d receive compliments from members of the public about how well-behaved he is.
“I have enjoyed being part of Becks journey immensely and my thanks go to his socialisers and temporary boarders for all their hard work making him the dog he is today.”