The health benefits of owning a dog are well documented. If you’re looking to get fitter and healthier, having a dog can be a great motivator. So, what’s the best thing about going out and keeping active with your four-legged friend?
We asked our partnerships and teams and here are the top 5 things they love about getting out with their dogs.
1. Getting away from technology
“We managed to ‘unplug’ Oliver from the internet today and got him out into the fresh air, His new camera was a great distraction and he took some fabulous shots of our Family Dog Charlie. It was a really lovely day.”
2. Experiencing the great outdoors
“One of the best things about having autism assistance dog Quartz is getting Beth to go outside. This was something she found difficult to do before he came along. As a family we can all go out and enjoy walks in the woods. As a parent, isolation was a big thing for me as I had to stay in with Beth, but now we go out for walks and I’ve made lots of friends on our travels.”
3. Not feeling isolated
“Having assistance dog Tula gives me the confidence to go outside now which helps my health. I am no longer isolated. I love getting out and let the fresh air blow out the cobwebs, living in the moment while watching her have fun with her new doggy friends.”
4. Improved mental wellbeing
“Uma helps my mental health as well as fitness. She makes me feel independent as I’m able to do stuff on my own, like going to the shops. I also find that I learn things by going for walks in new places.”
5. Going out as a family
Supported by Maggie, Richard has already achieved his desire to ‘be a father again’: he takes his sons to the park and can pick them up from school. He can now manage solo walks with Maggie too. “He’d never have gone out as much before she arrived, he enjoys being out with her, they’re a real partnership” says Richard’s wife Jude, “He loves the interaction with people who want to find out more about Maggie’s role in his life.”
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